For Such a Time As This Esther 4:14

For Such a Time is This Esther 4:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Esther was able to accomplish what she did for the Jews in Ahasuerus’ kingdom because she was there at just the right time.  She was there for such a time as this.  In the Bible, we see that most...

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Isaiah 28:14-29 Overflowing Scourge

Overflowing Scourge Is 28 14-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is an overflowing scourge coming up on the earth [Is 28:15, 18].  A scourge is a whip or other flogging instrument; any means of inflicting severe punishment, suffering or vengeance.  This scourge is called a consumption and it is determined upon...

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Trust Not Your Own Heart Prov. 28: 26

Trusting Your Own Heart Prov 28: 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool according to Prov 28:26.  This proverb is contrary to the world’s philosophy.  The world says that you need to trust your heart.  But you cannot because it is not trustworthy. ...

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Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are to trust in the Lord.  When you trust in the Lord you have: Perfect Peace – when you trust in the Lord you will have: The Peace that comes from the Savior – because you will be reconciled to God [Rom...

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Trust in the Lord Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the Lord Prov. 3: 5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you get saved you become a son of God, so you can honestly have the confidence that God is going to lead you (Rom 8:14). As a son of God you expect God to lead you by the Spirit...

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Trust in Him

Psalm 2:12 Trust in Him CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The last part of Ps 2:12 says, “Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”  And truly, we need to trust in him. A fellow from Harrisburg, PA, called us to ask us to pray for his daughter who...

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A Sensible Relationship

John 1: 1-12 A Sensible Relationship CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage says, “as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God” and according to the Bible there are many aspects to receiving the Lord – they involve your whole being – all...

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David Trusted the Lord, 1 Sam 26:1-25

1 Sam 26:1-25 David Trusted the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It’s one thing for a man to say that he trusts in the Lord.  But it is a totally different thing to actually trust him.  David trusted the Lord, which is evident by a number of things we find in...

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Trust in God

Ps 18 1-2, 30 Trust in God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You need to trust in God.  One of the best ways to approach a text like this is to treat it the same way that a reporter does a news item: by asking who, what, when, why and how....

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