Finding God’s Direction, Jer 10:23

People often ask how they can determine God’s direction on a particular decision or matter in their lives.  It is not uncommon for people to be very uncertain about a decision that they are trying to make.  Yet, we are sure that the Lord does not want you to be...

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Can Your Children Say This of You?

Can your children say this of you? I Kings 3:5-7 Introduction: We have been going through a series in our Sunday School class regarding the home, specifically on how we train our children by the things that we do as parents. In other words, our children are always watching what we do, and they...

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The Lord’s Delight, Is 42:1

Today, we are studying the Lord’s delight.  We want to know what they are so that we can please him.  If you are a husband and you know that your wife delights in flowers or chocolate, for instance, you’ll be inclined to bring her some fresh flowers and some delicious...

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Loving Favour, Prov 22:1

Loving Favour Prov 22:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. According to this verse, loving favour is better than silver and gold.  Well, most people wouldn’t turn down a little silver and...

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Be Not Afraid of Their Faces, Jer 1:8

Be Not Afraid of their Faces Jer 1:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jer 1:8 says, Be not afraid of their faces.  The Lord had a very important job for Jeremiah to do.  Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to the nations [Jer 1:5].  He was going to have to stand...

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Implacable, Rom 1:31

According to Rom 1:28, 31, a person with a reprobate mind is, among other things, implacable.  Implacable means, “incapable of being significantly changed or modified.”  It also means inexorable, “not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer: unyielding.”  So, when a person is implacable, you can’t change him...

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Tell the Truth, Eph 4:25

Tell the Truth Eph 4:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is amazing how dishonest people are today – there is dishonesty in marketing – advertisers portray certain things in their advertising in order to get you to buy their products – the package might say “no cholesterol” or “no fat” but...

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The God of the Bible, Ex 5:2

The God of the Bible Ex. 5:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of Pharaoh’s problems in Ex 5:2 is that he didn’t know the God of the Bible.  When Moses and Aaron approached him about letting Israel go into the wilderness he said, “I know not the Lord.”  There are many...

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Mercy and Truth, Prov 14:22

Mercy and Truth Prov. 14:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 14:22, the Lord said, “Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.” To devise is to conceive or imagine a thing, to plan to bring about something. So, a man...

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Jesus Sent a Sword, Matt 10:34

Jesus Sent a Sword In Matt 10:34, Jesus said that he didn’t come to send peace on earth. Jesus sent a sword, instead.  A sword is for cutting things, not mending them in peaceful reconciliation. The sharp two-edged sword of the word of God, in Heb 4:12, divides things asunder...

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