Why They Don’t Get It, Matt 13:9-17

When you think about people’s response to the Bible, do you ever wonder why some people get it and some people don’t.  How is it that two people can sit through the same message and one comes away edified and the other mystified?  One leaves enthused and the other leaves...

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Because of Your Unbelief

Because of your unbelief Matt.17:14-20 In the previous lesson we learned what faith is. The Bible defines it as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” [Heb.11:1]. Faith is substance and evidence based on God’s word, and we are given this faith through God’s word....

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Giving Satan an Advantage, Part I, 2 Cor 2:11

Satan is a vicious, clever enemy.  Nevertheless, Jesus successfully defended himself against the temptations of the devil [Matt 4:1-11], cast him out of every person he possessed, who came to Jesus for healing [Acts 10:38], spoiled him and openly triumphed over him on the cross [Col 2:15], and will destroy...

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Prayer Answered Quickly

Prayer Answered Quickly Daniel 9   In This chapter Daniel gets his prayer answered, “while he was yet speaking”, verse 21. All of us want immediate answers to prayer. Some wait for answers for months or years. We must not interpret delays in answers for denials. We wait because it...

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When You Don’t Believe the Truth 2 Thes 2:11-12

When You Don’t Believe the Truth 2 Thes 2:11-12  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In a Bible believing church you are going to hear a lot about reading, studying and believing the word of God.  You hear this so much that you might become callous to believing the words of God...

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The Gospel to the Gentiles, Rom 10:14-21

The Gospel to the Gentiles Rom. 10:14-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Romans chapter 10 is a transition chapter from the end of chapter 9 to the full content of chapter 11.  At the end of chapter 9 Paul concludes that Gentiles attained the righteousness of God because they received it by...

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Election, Rom 9:10-33

Election Rom. 9:10-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 9:11 Paul states, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth.  It is vital that we see that election doesn’t stand on works, but on what God said… on the way he...

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Unbelief Rom. 1:16

Unbelief Rom. 1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know from the Bible that unbelief results in spiritual blindness.  Israel, particularly, suffers from blindness in part because of the failure to believe the words of God and the gospel.  When a person believes the word of God it is the power of...

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Commentary on Romans 9:10-33

Commentary on Romans 9:10-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before studying the purpose of God according to election [Rom 9:11] we will make a running commentary on Rom 9:10-33.  Reading through the passage we will comment on what certain of the verses say rather than what they are presumed to say by...

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The Lions in Daniel’s Den Dan. 6:16-20

The Lion in Daniel’s Den Dan. 6:16,20. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Like Daniel we face lions in our lives.  As 1 Pet 5:8 says, “The devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour.”  Paul said in 2 Tim 4:17, “I was delivered out of the mouth of...

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