All Under Sin, Rom 3:1-18

All Under Sin Rom. 3:1-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the first ten verses of this passage of scripture, Paul answers a series of five questions that had been raised or could have been raised to challenge his statements in the first two chapters of this letter to the Romans.  And...

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Men Who Reject Christ Rom.1:16

Men Who Reject Christ Rom.1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The trouble with men who reject Christ, whether they reject him before they are saved or whether they reject him after they are saved (like college students talked out of their salvation), is that: They are ashamed of the gospel of Christ...

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What is Truth John 18:37-38

What is Truth John 18:37-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus told Pilate, “Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice,” to which Pilate replied, What is truth?  That’s a good question.  Things that appear to be true are often not true, at all.  They can be the exact opposite...

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The Results of Unbelief I Thess. 2:13

The Results of Unbelief I Thess. 2:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The results of unbelief are: Ineffectualness – 1 Thes 2:13 The word works effectually in you that believe.  Mk 11:23-24 unbelief makes prayer ineffectual.  In Matt 17:20 unbelief made attempted healing ineffectual.  Therefore, unbelief makes the power of the word...

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Difficulties Following the Will of God Ex. 3,4,5

Difficulties Following the Will of God Ex. 3,4,5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You will face a number of difficulties following the will of God.  We sometimes think that when we surrender to do the will of God, everything is going to immediately fall into place.  Often that’s not so.  Often you...

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Why Do Men Oppose the Gospel?

Why Do Men Oppose the Gospel Acts 4:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why do men oppose the gospel?  You would expect men to accept the gospel the same way that you have – like the Jews did who were pricked in their conscience in Acts 2:37 and like the Philippian jailer...

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Unbelief Heb. 3 John 16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we read the text and compare it with Jn 16:8-11, we get the idea that we are reading verses that are aimed solely at the lost.  However, as Christians, we are prone to live practically in unbelief when we live our...

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The Very Christ, Jn 7:25-39

The Very Christ John 7::25-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are six ways to determine if Jesus was the very Christ in this text. The things that Jesus said in this text were spoken at the Feast of Tabernacles after the third Passover that Jesus had during His ministry. Within six...

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Apostasy Ps 106:12-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How did Israel go from believing God’s words in verse 12 to not believing his words in verse 24?  They did it by apostasy.  We see it all around us today.  In this lesson, we identify the intervening steps between believing God’s words...

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