Two Invitations, Prov 9:1-18

Two Invitations Prov. 9:1-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Proverbs 9, there are two invitations.  One is from wisdom and the other is from the foolish woman.  The recipients of the invitations are identical but that to which they are being invited is drastically different.  We need to look at these...

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Simplify Your Life, Ps 116:6

Simplify Your Life Ps. 116: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It appears that one of the tricks of the world in its battle against you is to complicate your life.  With all of the time saving devices, technological advancements and enhancements in communication and transportation, we have been strangled by stress...

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Understanding Your Bible, Luke 10:21

Understanding Your Bible Lk 10:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People often ask for help in understanding their Bible.  Here are a few things that will help you in understanding your Bible.  Understanding your Bible: Doesn’t take intelligence – Lk 10:21; 1 Cor 1:26-27; Lk 2:46-47.  Jesus Christ was only 12 years...

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God’s Way, Proverbs 2:8

The Way of His Saints Prov. 2: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of God’s Way. In the prior broadcast, we looked at the references in Proverbs to the way of evil men.  Today, we are going to preach on the verses dealing with the way of God’s saints.  This is God’s...

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Favor By Understanding, Prov 13:15

On Wednesdays, recently, I have been preaching on favor with God.  Initially, we saw that we have favor by righteousness.  And then, with God, we have favor by mercy and truth.  Last week, we saw that we have favor with God by wisdom.  And today, we see in Prov 13:15,...

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Don’t Walk as Other Gentiles

Ephesians 4:17-19  Introduction: In this lesson we are going to see that the Believer is to walk differently from the gentiles, that is, as ungodly men (Ephesians 2:11-12/I Cor 10:32). Believers are not to walk as other men walk, because believers are new creatures in Christ Jesus, and the walk...

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Bible Understanding, 1 Jn 2:27

Bible Understanding 1 Jn. 2:27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bible understanding is the result of praying, reading, believing, doing, studying, trusting, and simplifying.  Trust the Holy Spirit to teach you. Recently we have been asked this same question by two different people.  They want to know how to understand what...

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Inspiration, Job 32:8

Inspiration Job 32:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What is inspiration?  Inspiration is God telling you what the scriptures say so that you can understand them. Many scholars have defined “inspiration” as God telling the authors what to write back when the original books and letters were written.  They’ll say, “We...

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We Know That, 1 Jn 5:14-21

At the end of John’s first epistle, he wrote about four things that we know.  He wrote, “We know that…”.  And these things that we know are important to us in the church.  However, they are absolutely essential to those in the Tribulation. We know that we have the petitions...

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Void of Understanding, Prov 7:7

Void of Understanding Prov. 7:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Proverbs mentions the man void of understanding in Prov 7:7, 10:13, 12:11, 17:18, and 24:30.  We are going to study him today so that if you are a man void of understanding you will see yourself the way that God sees...

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