Bad-mouthing Your Neighbor, Prov 11:9-12

Bad-mouthing Your Neighbor Prov. 11: 9-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are Christians who, with their mouths, attempt to disparage their neighbors.  The Proverbs have much to say about this problem.  So, we are going to study it carefully today with this purpose in mind.  If you are one of those...

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Why Do The Heathen Rage, Ps 2:1-3

Why Do The Heathen Rage Ps. 2:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Psalm 2 begins with the question, Why do the heathen rage?  The answer is found in the first three verses of the chapter and then the next two verses show you God’s response to their rage.  We are going to...

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They Quit Relying Upon God, 2 Chr 16:7

They Quit Relying Upon God 2 Chr. 16: 7  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of the most tragic things you find when reading the chronicles of the kings of Judah is that they quit relying on God.  Many of them started out very humbly relying upon the Lord.  But toward...

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An Ungodly Man Prov. 16: 27-30

An Ungodly, Froward, Violent Man Prov. 16:27-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It will surprise you when you consider what the Lord has to say about this ungodly man – you would think by his titles that he is one of the wickedest men in the earth but when you see him...

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