Studies From Romans Lesson #6 : Spiritual Baptism

Studies From Romans Lesson #6: Spiritual Baptism (Romans 6:1-10)  In this passage we see a baptism being spoken of that connects us with the death of Jesus Christ. Often when people see the word baptism, they automatically think of water baptism but in this case, it is not water baptism...

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Noah Condemned the World, Heb 11:7

We have been studying the Old Testament by studying the typology of the main characters in it.  We have seen Adam as a foreshadow of Jesus Christ, Cain and Abel as a foreshadow of Israel and the Lord Jesus Christ, and Enoch as the foreshadow of a New Testament Christian...

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Baptized for the Dead, 1 Cor 15:29

Baptized for the Dead 1 Cor. 15::29 CLICK TITLE OR AUDIO  In 1 Cor. 15:29, “baptized for the dead” is the water baptism of saved people who are “dead with Christ” and who will be raised “like as Christ was raised up from the dead.” This verse of scripture has been...

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False Teachers Among You, 2 Pet 2:1-3

Wherever there is truth, there are going to be lies.  In the Old Testament, there were false prophets among the people, when there were holy men of God who spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost [2 Pet 1:21].  In the New Testament, Peter said, “there shall be...

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The Lord’s Supper and Baptism, Matt 26:26-29

The Lord’s Supper In Matt 26:26-29, Jesus was keeping the passover with his disciples.  As they were eating, Jesus said of the bread, “this is my body,” and of the cup containing the fruit of the vine, “this is my blood of the new testament.”  This was passover, wherein Jesus...

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Infant Baptism, Jn 3:5

Infant Baptism Jn 3:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A preacher friend of mine has said many times, “You can prove anything by the Bible.” But just because you can “prove” a thing doesn’t mean that it is sound doctrine.  Most false doctrines are “proved” by the Bible.  The Roman Catholic Church...

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The Need for Salvation by Faith

The Need for Salvation by Faith CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often, religious people confuse water baptism with salvation by faith.  In this lesson, we examine some verses on salvation to clear up the difference between salvation by faith and baptism.  We are teaching this lesson because we had a couple of...

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Christian Growth VII – Church Ordinances

Baptism & The Lord’s Supper CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the seventh lesson in Christian Growth.  This lesson deals with water baptism and the Lord’s supper. The first ordinance is water baptism – Water baptism is an ordinance that Jesus gave the church.  In Matt 28:19, Jesus commanded us to...

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Discipleship Lesson #7- The Lord’s Supper & Baptism

The Lord’s Supper and Baptism CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO   What are the Lord’s Supper and Baptism and should I partake of them? Answer: There are the two “ordinances” given to the New Testament church by the Lord  Jesus  Christ. Believer’s Baptism – Matt.28:19 and The Lord’s Supper – Luke 22:19 are the “ordinances” spoken of by...

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Looking back at lesson 3, we see that every new Christian is baptized by the Spirit into the body of Jesus Christ.  We are literally baptized into his death, burial and resurrection. Thus, water baptism pictures physically that which took place spiritually when we got saved.  It pictures our death,...

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