Biblical Instruction, Prov 8:10

Biblical Instruction Prov. 8:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Biblical Instruction is of greater value to you than the accumulation of wealth [Prov 8:10].   Today we are going to look at Biblical instruction to see where it comes from, what it does for you and what happens to you when you refuse it....

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The Men of This Generation, Lk 7:31-35

The Men of This Generation The context of Lk 7:31-35 is found in v.19-30.  In the first part of the context, Jesus performed many miracles to assure the messengers of John that he was the Messiah.  In the second part of the context, Jesus commended John as the greatest prophet...

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Wisdom Crieth Without, Prov 1:20-23

Wisdom Crieth Without Prov. 1:20-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Notice in Prov 1:20-23 and in Prov 8:1-4, wisdom makes a very public appeal for men to listen.  Wisdom can be heard in the “street.”  You may be asking where wisdom’s voice is heard so publicly today. In this day and age...

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What Nebuchadnezzar Underestimated

What Nebuchadnezzar Underestimated Dan 2: 12-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Nebuchadnezzar successfully destroyed Judah and took many captives to Babylon.  He was very powerful and became the world ruler in his day.  God had promoted him to this great power and rule.  Among the captives, he had Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and...

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The Lord’s Delight, 1 Sam 15:22

The Lord’s Delight 1 Sam 15: 22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If we can see from the scriptures the Lord’s delight, then we can do those things with the certainty that he will be pleased.  What are the things that are the Lord’s delight?  The Lord delights in: Obedience – 1 Sam...

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God’s Way, Proverbs 2:8

The Way of His Saints Prov. 2: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of God’s Way. In the prior broadcast, we looked at the references in Proverbs to the way of evil men.  Today, we are going to preach on the verses dealing with the way of God’s saints.  This is God’s...

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Strength in Adversity, Prov 24:10

Strength in Adversity Prov. 24: 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says that “if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small,” [Prov 24:10].  When we face adversity, generally, we first pray for God to remove it.  Well, the Lord usually doesn’t remove the adversity.  And...

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Things You Need More Than Money, Prov 16:8

Things You Need More Than Money Prov. 16: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Money is, obviously, important.  If you don’t have any, it’s sure hard to pay your bills.  But our attention to obtaining and maintaining wealth can surely obscure some other needs that are much more important than money.  These...

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His Own Soul, Prov 6:32

His Own Soul Prov. 6: 32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Eight times is Proverbs, we find a reference to a man’s “own soul.”  What he does in his life has either a beneficial or detrimental effect on his soul.  We’ll study the references in this broadcast. A person who commits adultery...

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What is Acceptable, Prov 10:32

What is Acceptable Prov. 10:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 10:32 says, “The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable…”  It’s like the righteous have a filter between their brain and their mouth that governs what comes out of their mouth.  Today we want to talk about what is acceptable...

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