What Should Make You Happy?

How to be a Happy Christian Ps.1:1-3                 Being a Christian should be the key to happiness. So why are there so many unhappy Christians? (You can see them at church today, if you look, and if you ask, most will be glad to tell you) What things make you...

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How to Have Peace Rom.1:7

How to Have Peace Rom 1:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on how to have peace.  Peace is one of the greatest provisions to us by God [Col 3:15], Jesus Christ [Jn 14:27] and the Holy Spirit [Gal 5:22].  The question is how do I find peace when...

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How We Obtain Strength Prov. 20:29

How We Obtain Strength Prov. 20:29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Strength comes pretty naturally to young men [Prov 20:29 the glory of young men is their strength] – sometimes you see this youthful strength even in an old man [Caleb – Jos 14:10-11] – but the strength we need in our...

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Christian Behavior 101

Christian Behavior 101 Psalm 101   In college I took Math 101 and English 101. These were the entry level classes to teach you the basics. Today we are going to look at “Christian Behavior 101”. Whenever you need to take a quick inventory of your Christian Behavior, Ps.101 is...

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Song of Fools

Eccl.7:5  “song of fools” (acting foolish) As Taught by Solomon in the book of Proverbs, we will look at characteristics of fools, how fools are identified, and how to deal with fools. Be careful if any of these verses fit you a little too well, maybe some correction may be in...

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Godly versus Worldly Education

Parents are Responsible for their Children’s Education Neither the government, the church, the youth pastor, the sunday school teacher, or the pastor are responsible for your child’s education.  Parents suffer the consequences of a foolish child and reap the benefits of a wise one.  The responsibility is the parents and...

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Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts Rom. 12:6-8 and 1 Cor.12:7-11             A Spiritual gift is just that, it is a gift. You can’t earn it any more than you can earn your salvation [Eph.2:8-9]. When you are born again you become a new creature [2 Cor.5:17]. You are baptized into the body of...

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What Measure You Mete

The “what measure ye mete” Principal     The Lord shows us very clearly in [Gal.6:7-8] that we reap what we sow.  We always reap the same “kind” [Gen.1:11-12] of whatsoever we have sowed. If you sow tomatoes you will reap tomatoes, not squash. In this lesson we are going...

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A Virtuous Woman & The Church II Prov. 31:10-31

A Virtuous Woman & the Church II Prov. 31:10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a continuation of yesterday’s broadcast.  We find similarities between the virtuous woman of Prov 31 and the Church – examining these similarities will help us understand the Church better – notice the Church’s and the virtuous...

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