How to Make a Decision, Joel 3:14

How to Make a Decision Joel 3:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We realize that this verse applies doctrinally to the 2nd Advent.  However, it brings us to the point of this sermon which is how to make a decision.  I am asked consistently in the ministry, “What do I do?”  Multitudes...

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Why Men Refuse Wisdom, Prov 8:1-36

Why Men Refuse Wisdom Prov 8:1-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Proverbs 8:1-6, wisdom is pervasive in that it speaks in multiple public places where it could not possibly be missed.  Wisdom calls out to all men, even to the simple and to fools.  Wisdom welcomes any audience and gives...

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Good Kids, Eph 6:1-3

Good Kids Eph. 6:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Good kids are children who do what the Bible says.  We know that the proportion of children who believe and obey the Bible today is much smaller than the proportion of kids who don’t.  So it is becoming less and less likely,...

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Favor With God, Ps 5:12

This message beginning in Ps 5:12 is about finding Favor with God.  It should be of great importance to us that we find favor with the Lord. Samuel found favor with the Lord, 1 Sam 2:26.  He was the greatest judge that Israel ever had.  Mary found favor with the...

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Things You Cannot Do, Ecc 1:12-18

In Ecc 1:12-18 we read about three things things you cannot do under the sun.  Solomon discovered these by seeking and searching out “by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven”.  He gave his heart to know wisdom.  His heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.  He...

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We Should Bring Forth Fruit Unto God, Rom 7:4

We Should Bring Forth Fruit Unto God Rom. 7:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we get saved we should bring forth fruit unto God according to Rom 7:4. We know from reading Jn 15:1-16 that the Lord expects us to bring forth fruit as branches on the vine of Jesus Christ. ...

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Things That Are Profitable, Is 48:17

Things That Are Profitable Is 48:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is 48:17 says, “… I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.”  What are some things in the Bible that God has taught us are profitable to us? ...

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Second Guessing Your Decisions, Prov 29:20

Second Guessing Your Decisions Prov. 29:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we will look through the Bible to see if we can find verses to help you keep from second guessing your decisions.  I was one of those who struggled with second guessing my decisions.  And so I...

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Moral Character, Job 2:3-9

Moral Character Job 2:3-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Among Christians there is a tendency to relegate moral character to spirituality.  As a result, many of the problems that you have experienced in your life could have been avoided altogether if your moral character were stronger.  But since you see every problem...

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A Matter of Perception, Job 9:11

A Matter of Perception Job 9:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You say that perception is reality, but it isn’t if reality is not your perception. Most of the time, how you view a thing is just a matter of perception.  Today, we examine from the Bible those things that diminish...

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