Loving Favour, Prov 22:1

Loving Favour Prov 22:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. According to this verse, loving favour is better than silver and gold.  Well, most people wouldn’t turn down a little silver and...

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Bezaleel, Ex 31:1-5

Bezaleel was God’s principal choice to make the tabernacle and everything in and for the tabernacle that the Lord commanded Moses to make.  Aholiab was his principal assistant in the work. There are some interesting things that those of us who work for the Lord can learn from  studying Bezaleel....

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The Spider, Prov 30:28

Prov 30 was written by a man named Agur.  Agur professed to be a brutish man, v.2.  Brutish here means he was untaught.  However, he was observant.  The things he wrote in this proverb he learned, not by education but, by observation.  And in all of his observation, he understood...

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My Fruit is Better than Gold, Prov 8:19

My Fruit is Better than Gold Prov. 8:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wisdom in Prov 8 is personified.  In Prov 8:19, she says, My fruit is better than gold.  The inference is that you are better off seeking wisdom than you are seeking gold because the fruit of wisdom is better...

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His Own Soul, Prov 19:8

The word “soul” is often just a reference to a human being, a person, as in Gen 46:15, 18, 22, 25-27.  So, when the Bible refers to a man loving his own soul and doing good to his own soul, he loves himself.  This kind of love is not the...

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Builded, Established and Filled, Prov 24:3-4

In Prov 24:3-4 Solomon writes, “Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”  There are three things needed for this house: wisdom, understanding and knowledge.  You need wisdom to build it, understanding...

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The Lord’s Presence, Rom 5:1

The Lord’s Presence, Rom. 5: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In our personal experience, the greatest single evidence of the Lord’s presence is peace.  Peace derives from our salvation [Rom 5:1], peace is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit [Gal 5:22], peace is assured to us when we pray...

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Keep Thyself Pure, 1 Tim 5:22

According to 1 Tim 5:22, we are to keep ourselves pure.  How do we do this?  First, you must be made pure.  To get pure, you must be saved.  According to Titus 1:15, when you’re defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure.  Even your mind and conscience are defiled.  But when...

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The Foolishness of Fools, Prov 14:24

The Foolishness of Fools Prov. 14: 24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Every child starts out from childhood with a fair amount of foolishness in him [Prov 22:15].  The Lord gives parents instruction on how to deal with their foolishness.  The idea is to drive this foolishness away from them so that...

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Not of Man, Prov 29:25

Not of Man Prov. 29:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If we are ever going to get anything worthwhile done for the Lord we must get “man” out of the way.  The Lord’s work is not of man so here are some things that should be “of God” and not of...

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