The Wise Men from the East, Matt 2:1-12

The Wise Men Matt 2: 1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are some very interesting things about these wise men from the east that we want to consider today.  The wise men from the east: Came from the east – Matt 2:1 – The likely place from which they came is...

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Jesus’ Birth and Early Childhood, Lk 2 and Matt 2

This lesson is on the birth and early childhood of Jesus Christ from Matt 2 and Lk 2.  There is often confusion about the timing of the events recorded in these two gospels.  Some of this confusion stems from the Christmas traditions, like nativity scenes and Christmas carols.  Here’s the...

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Out of Egypt I Have Called My Son

Out of Egypt I Have Called My Son (Matthew 2:1-13)  The visit of the wise men give us a great example of how God can use unusual circumstances along with unusual people to accomplish his plan. In this sermon we will look at how God fulfilled his word not only...

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Lessons from the Wise Men

Lesson from the Wise men Matthew 2:1-12 For this lesson we are going to be looking at the visit of the wise men to see Jesus. We will first look at some of the facts concerning this visit. Then we will use the example of how the wise men worshipped...

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A Blessed Man, Ps 1:1-3

A Blessed Man Ps. 1:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The man in Ps 1:1-3 is a blessed man for five reasons. He’s blessed by how he walks, where he stands, with whom he sits, what he delights in, and what he thinks about.  If you want to be a blessed man,...

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The Visit of the Wise Men

The Visit of the Wise Men  (Matthew 2:1-15) This lesson will focus on the wise men’s visit to see Jesus. We will look at both their purpose for coming and how they knew when to come. We will make a spiritual application concerning worship that can benefit us as we...

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The Gifts of the Wise Men

The Gifts of the Wise Men Matthew 2:1-11 This is a familiar passage especially around the time of Christmas. The wise men from the east that came to visit Jesus brought him gifts. The gifts that they brought were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. In this lesson we will look at...

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The Wise Man, Prov 1:5

We are concluding our series on the men in the Book of Proverbs.  Today we will discuss the wise man.  The wise man: Listens and learns – Prov 1:5 – he will hear, and will increase learning, and will attain unto wise counsels.  Prov 13:16 he dealeth with knowledge.  He’s...

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The Miraculous Birth of Jesus, Matt 1:23

Around Christmas time, Christians presumably remember the birth of Jesus Christ.  While you celebrate his birth, consider that the birth of Jesus Christ was a miracle. His miraculous virgin birth – Matt 1:20-25 – Jesus’ birth from a virgin was prophesied in Is 7:14.  Never before or since has a...

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The Visit of the Wise Men

The Visit of the Wise Men  (Matthew 2:1-15) In this lesson we are going to look at the visit made by the wise men to see the baby Jesus. We will look at how they knew when to come and what their purpose was in coming to see the baby...

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