River of Thy Pleasures, Ps 36:7-8

River of thy Pleasures In Ps 36:7-8, the Lord shows us that he will make his children, who trust him, drink of the river of his pleasures.  We’re going to discuss this verse along with a few other verses to glean an important truth about the “river of thy pleasures”....

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The Disciples Multiplied, Acts 6:7

The Disciples Multiplied Acts 6:7 says, “And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly…”.  We’re going to discuss how the number of the disciples multiplied.  From this, hopefully, we will learn how we are to multiply. God created us to multiply physically....

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I Speak Freely, Acts 26:26

I Speak Freely This will be a short sermon with one main point.  In Acts 26:26, Paul said, “I speak freely” when he was addressing King Agrippa and Festus.  Festus thought Paul was beside himself and mad.  He wasn’t.  He just spoke without reservation or restraint when he gave his...

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Publication and Proclamation, Ps 68:11

Publication and Proclamation On Wednesday nights recently we have preached on prayer and praise. Tonight we’ll discuss publication and proclamation.  Publication and proclamation are done through passing out literature (tracts and New Testaments) and telling others about Jesus (either preaching or witnessing). In Ps 68:11 notice these truths. The words...

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Watch and Pray, Matt 26:41

In Matt 26:41, the Lord’s instruction to his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane was not just to pray, but to watch and pray.  This watch is like a sentry on watch.  So, like a sentry, we need to be ready to respond to any situation with prayer no matter...

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Eat With Them, Gen 24:31-54

One, often overlooked, method of dealing with folks about the Lord is to eat with them. Invite them to a meal at your house or at a restaurant where you can talk with them about the Lord. In a few weeks, we will preach what an old friend of mine...

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Working with the Lord

Working with the Lord 1 Corinthians 3:1-23 In this lesson we are going to be discussing our position regarding the work we do for the Lord. While a common way to make the expression is “working for the Lord” in the passage we will see that we are actually “labourers...

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Who Shall Declare His Generation? Is 53:8

The question asked in Is 53:8 implies that someone will declare the generation of Jesus.  Isaiah doesn’t ask “if” someone will declare his generation.  And he doesn’t ask who “will” declare, as if the Lord is trying to find someone to declare his generation.  The Lord asks who “shall” in...

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Say The Right Thing, Is 45:19

We all have people with whom we want to speak about the Lord.  And sometimes it can be very hard to know what to say, when to say it, and how to say it.  I asked Pastor Hoots to pray for me about witnessing to my family.  And he said...

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Be a Witness – Aurélien Tavé

If you are saved, you have trusted what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for you! As Christians, we know we ought to read our bible, pray, give, come to church, and get involved in the different ministries of the church. We are going to look at one of the...

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