Where is Mine Honour Mal. 1:6-14

Where is Mine Honour Mal. 1:6-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God gave Malachi words to rebuke Israel because they were not honoring him. He asked, Where is mine honour? He is entitled to their honour in the same way that parents are entitled to honour from their children according to...

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Remember The Latter End Is. 47:7

Remember the Latter Is 47:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In architecture a building is designed with the end in mind and in construction a building is built with the end in mind.  In recipes the ingredients and steps are listed with the end in mind.  Modern art, on the other...

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The Holy Spirit Speaks Jn. 16:13

The Holy Spirit Speaks Jn. 16:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Holy Spirit speaks.  Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you stay “in tune” with the Spirit of God so that you will hear him when he speaks.  Be filled with the Spirit so that when he speaks you won’t...

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Tell Them Mark 5

Tell Them Mark 5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been sowing the word of God continuously through: Preaching, Teaching, Radio, Internet, Fishers of Men, Port Ministry, Tracts, etc.  However, most seed sowing is impersonal to an extent.  We simply hand someone the words of God.  Now it is time to...

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He lingered Gen 19:16

He lingered Gen 19:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gen 19, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.  Lot had been living there for quite some time when the angels arrived to tell him that God was going to destroy it and he needed to leave with whoever in his family would go...

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Do It With Thy Might Ecc. 9:10

Do It With Thy Might Ecc. 9:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Everyone here has something that you have decided you are going to do one day.  It is something that you really need to do and yet you have been putting it off.  Well, it is time to get going on...

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Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing

Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing John 15 1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said that without me ye can do nothing.  Simply put, it’s not what we do for him that counts but rather what he does through us.  We spend lots of time and effort trying to do something...

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Churches Were Multiplied

Churches Were Multiplied CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The process of multiplication in Acts 9:31 involved the number of individuals multiplying and the number of churches multiplying.  In this fashion the churches were multiplied. I have seen a plan of discipleship by which more people than inhabit the earth could become Christians...

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Christ May Dwell in Your Hearts

Christ May Dwell in Your Hearts CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul prayed for the Ephesians that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. When Jesus dwells in your heart you know it as long as there is not something else in there that is crowding him – like sin and...

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A Word Fitly Spoken Prov. 25: 11-13

A Word Fitly Spoken Prov. 25:11-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A word fitly spoken is a beautiful thing – v.11 – to be able to speak a fitting word, two things must be true: You must be a wise reprover – v.12 You must be a faithful messenger – v.13 In...

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