Rejoice in God, Ps 43:4

Rejoice in God I’m convinced that the reason some Christians, particularly young ones, don’t really grow in their relationship with the Lord is that don’t rejoice in that which God has given us as our greatest sources of joy.  They find joys that are associated with Christ (like fellowship with...

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Deterrents to Witnessing, Lk 9:23-24

Deterrents to Witnessing Lk 9: 23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are times that we know the Lord is dealing with us about witnessing to somebody.  It is more than a burden. The Holy Spirit is gently leading us to speak to them about their soul and we don’t do it. ...

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Do You Believe Heaven Is Real? Col 3:1-2

Do You Believe Heaven Is Real? Col 3:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Do You Believe Heaven Is Real Can you say with absolute assurance, “When I die, I’m going to heaven?” You can if you have trusted the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary.  You will undoubtedly answer, “Yes” if...

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Be Like Cornelius, Acts 10:30-33

When I think about soul winning, I realize that we are missing one of the greatest opportunities that we have before us.  You know people who need to be saved, but you may not know how to go about leading them to the Lord.  Be like Cornelius.  Get them together...

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Husbandmen in The Vineyard, Matt 21:33-43

This sermon from the parable of the husbandmen in the vineyard is a great encouragement for us to bring forth fruit to the Lord from his vineyard.  We’ll start this sermon with an explanation of the details in the parable. The householder is God.  The vineyard is the Kingdom of...

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Living Water, Jn 4:10-14

Living Water Jn. 4:10-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Getting saved is like taking a drink of living water [Jn 4:10-14].  It’s that easy.  And it’s that lasting.  Jesus said, after a drink of living water, you will never thirst again [Matt 5:6].  When you get saved, your spiritual thirst will be...

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The Righteous Shall Flourish, Ps 92:12-14

In Ps 92:12-14, three times we find the word flourish or flourishing in relation to the righteous and those planted in the house of the Lord.  The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. Flourish is to grow luxuriantly; to thrive; to achieve success; to prosper; to be in a...

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Some New Thing, Acts 17:21

The Athenians and strangers which were in Athens were known for spending their time hearing and telling “some new thing”. One of the things that makes something news is that it’s new.  People want to talk about what’s new.  They even greet you with this expression, “What’s new”? Here are...

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Out of the Scriptures, Acts 17:1-4

In Acts 17:1-4, Paul accomplished his work in Thessalonica “out of the scriptures.”  Those who were saved in Thessalonica were save because they believed what the scriptures said about Jesus Christ.   When you are dealing with the lost, there is sometimes a question about the best way to deal...

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Thanksgiving Psalm, 1 Chr 16:7-36

Thanksgiving Psalm 1 Chr.16:7-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The psalm recorded in 1 Chr 16 is a thanksgiving psalm.  It is also recorded in Ps 105.  We can follow the example of David in this thanksgiving psalm to help understand things for which we can thank God.  As in this thanksgiving...

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