Love Thy Neighbour, Rom 13:9-10

Love Thy Neighbour Rom 13:9-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus Christ gave his disciples a new commandment to love one another as Christ loved us [Jn 13:34-35] he didn’t abolish the second commandment, which is to love thy neighbour.  Sometimes, we get the idea that we are to love our...

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Two Kinds of Witnesses, Prov 14:5

With God, things are absolute.  A person is either saved or he’s lost.  There is no in between.  He’s either a child of God or he’s a child of the devil.  There are no other spiritual families, no matter what religion he claims to be.  He’s either going to heaven...

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Before Its Too Late, Gen 18:14

Before It’s Too Late Gen. 18:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Have you been burdened for your friends or relatives because they aren’t saved yet?  Why don’t you tell them about Jesus or witness to them again before its too late?  I realize that the decision to trust Christ rests with each...

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Just Two or Three, Deut 17:6

According to Deut 17:6, just two or three witnesses are sufficient to establish the evidence necessary to bring a conviction against a man for murder.  One witness is not sufficient, but more than three are not necessary.  Likewise, we find that just a few are sufficient for us in other...

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Distracted Laborers, 1 Cor 3:8-11

We are supposed to be laborers together with God, 1 Cor 3:8-11.  We are built into a building that is supposed to grow, Eph 2:19-22.  It grows because the laborers build upon the foundation of Jesus Christ.  But the laborers appear to be distracted laborers these days. A man, rebelling...

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We Do Not Well, 2 Ki 7:8-9

There were four leprous men living outside of Samaria [2 Ki 7:3] who were suffering through a famine while Samaria was being besieged by the Syrians [2 Ki 6:24-25]. These men were facing certain death if they did nothing [2 Ki 7:3].  They would die from the famine if they...

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A 9-1-1 Call, Acts 9:11

I heard about a 9-1-1 call that Avery Shawler made on Labor Day in 2016.  She was climbing alone on Devil’s Bedstead, an 11,865 foot peak in the Pioneer Mountains in Idaho.  She is a certified SOLO Wilderness First Responder and an experienced climber.  Therefore, she carried a first aid...

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Laboring in the Harvest, Matt 9:37-38

Laboring in the Harvest Matt. 9:37-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We need to be laboring in the harvest.  In order to labor in the harvest God’s way we need to be involved regularly in the following work: Praying – Matt 9:38 – the Lord said, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of...

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But What About My Family, 1 Sam 22:1

But What About My Family 1 Sam 22:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often one of the first questions sinners ask right after they get saved is, But what about my family?  They are instantly concerned that their family isn’t saved or that their family won’t come to church with them.  They...

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Work That God Rewards, 2 Chr 15:1-18

Work That God Rewards 2 Chr 15:1-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Azariah said to Asa, “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded,” [2 Chronicles 15:7]. And after Asa heard these words he proceeded to do work that God rewarded.  See 2...

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