The Word’s Free Course, 2 Thes 3:1

In 2 Thes 3:1, Paul requested prayer from the Thessalonians “that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.”  In this sense the word course is a moving or motion forward.  So, the course of a river, for instance, is...

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A True Witness, Prov 14:25

“A true witness delivereth souls,” according to Prov 14:25.  It will help us to understand and apply this verse to our lives if we will consider the various definitions of “true” that are compatible with this verse.   A true witness is: Properly so called – he’s properly so called...

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Ready to Preach, Rom 1:15

Ready Corpus Christi is an emergency preparedness guide for residents.  On the Ready Corpus Christi website you will find things like “Be Ready for a Hurricane.” This is a publication that is also mailed to residents before Hurricane season.  It describes the preparations that you need to make at the...

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Tell Others About Jesus, Jn 17:20

Jesus prayed for those who would believe on him through “their word,” [Jn 17:20].  You hear us preach about witnessing to others.  But up to now you have been stuck.  So, here’s what to do.  In order to tell others about Jesus, you must: Know – to tell others about...

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I Will Go, Ps 71:15-18

In Psalm 71:15-18 we read, “I will go in the strength of the Lord God.”  Years ago, I had that verse hanging above my office door.  It was a reminder to me to go out in the strength of the Lord.  But notice, the Psalmist said, “I will go.”  We...

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Unto Whom Are You Living, 2 Cor 5:15

When you read through 2 Corinthians 5, you see four passages that will help you determine the answer to this question, “Unto whom are you living?”  Are you living unto yourself or are you living unto God?  You can tell by the answers to these four questions. Are you groaning...

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Tell Them, Mk 5:18-20

When Jesus cast the devils out of the man who had the Legion, the “whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about besought him to depart from them,” [Lk 8:37].  When Jesus got into the ship to leave, the man “prayed him that he might be with him,”...

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White Fields, Jn 4:35-38

White Fields John 4: 5  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus met the woman at the well in John 4, he was weary [v.6] and he was thirsty [v.7].  He could have easily ignored her since she was a Samaritan [v.7] and simply rested while he quenched his thirst and waited for...

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So Great Salvation Heb 2:3

So Great Salvation Heb. 2:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO So great is our salvation because: So great is our Savior – Titus 2:13 – consider how great Jesus Christ is.  He created the universe.  He has all power.  So great is his humility that he wiling forsook all of his riches...

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Paul’s Steadfastness 1 Cor 15:58

Paul’s Steadfastness 1 Cor. 15:58 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul could not be stopped in his work for the Lord.  He was steadfast and abounded in the work of the Lord, as 1 Cor 15:58 says.  Once he got going for Jesus, he didn’t quit.  Rather, he approached his work with...

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