How to Safely Minister to Women I

How to Safely Minister to Women I CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How to safely minister to women, part 1.  As a general rule, it is better for a woman you trust to minister to another woman than it is for you to minister to her [Tit 2:3-5].  Your wife or a...

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Men Of This Sort II Tim. 3:6-13

Men of This Sort II Tim. 3: 6-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After describing the characteristics of people in the perilous times of these last days, Paul warns us against the things people of this sort do.  They have a form of godliness but they are not godly [2 Tim 3:5]. ...

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Instructions to Women 1 Tim. 2:9-15

Instructions to Women 1 Tim. 2:9-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul addressed three major areas of difficulty for women and gave Timothy instructions to help them deal with these potential problem areas. These challenges include: Adornment – 1 Timothy 1:9-10.  Adornment deals principally with her outward appearance.  Paul instructed women concerning:...

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The Women in Proverbs, Prov 2:16

The Women in Proverbs Prov. 2:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are thirteen different women in Proverbs.  Of these, 9 are bad women and 4 are good women.  According to these numbers, as a general rule, then, there are about twice as many bad women as there are good.  We will...

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Peter’s Wife Matt. 8:14

Peter’s Wife Matt. 8:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often speak to men when preaching about the ministry.  But what about the women?  What makes a woman suitable for the ministry when she is married to a man in the ministry?  Willingness.  Peter’s wife was: Willing to put her husband before...

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Isaiah 32:9-20 The Women That Are At Ease

The Women That Are At Ease Is. 32:9-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In summary, this prophecy is preached to the women that are at ease; to careless women.  These women are the ones accustomed to a life of “luxury” and ease.  They are spoiled by their bountiful harvests of grapes, wheat,...

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Home Making (Part 1)

Proverbs 31:10-11 The virtuous woman is described in relation to her husband, her work, her home, her person, and to God.  She is a good wife, a good neighbor, a good mother, and a good woman.  Proverbs 31 is the measuring stick for a Biblical woman.  Verses 28-29 are the...

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Wine and Women Prov. 31:2-7

Wine & Women Prov. 31: 2-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Prov 31:2-7, wine and women have been the ruin of men. Women will ruin a man – if his wife is not from the Lord [a prudent wife is from the Lord, Prov 19:14] she can tear a man...

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Mary & Martha

Luke 10:38-42 Mary’s Godly Priorities …a certain woman named Martha (10:38) …a sister called Mary (10:39) Martha is not carnal because the work she is doing is carnal or unspiritual, she is unspiritual because of the priorities she has.  Compare them with Mary’s priorities. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard...

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Every Wise Woman Buildeth Her House Prov. 14: 1

Playing House Prov. 14:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here the distinction is between every wise woman buildeth her house and the foolish woman who plucketh it down with her hands. Now you generally think of building a house as something done by a home builder and then the husband and wife...

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