Thy Word is Settled, Ps 119:89

Thy Word is Settled Ps. 119:89  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO About God’s words, Ps 119 says, thy word is settled in heaven, it is true from the beginning, it is pure, and it is a lamp and a light.  From the verses containing these statements we learn some wonderful things...

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The Benefits of Affliction, Ps 119

The Benefits of Affliction Ps. 119 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Benefits of Affliction are seen in Ps 119.  Often in affliction we only see the suffering and trouble.  Look for the benefits. Affliction can lead you to salvation through God’s words – Psalm 119:107 – I am afflicted very much:...

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Literal Darkness, Gen 1:2

Literal Darkness Gen 1:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  There was nothing there before Heb 11:3 and Jn 1:3.  In the heaven there was a body of water, apparently surrounding the earth, and the earth was standing “out of the water.”...

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Read This Law, Deut 31:11-13

Read This Law Deut. 31:11-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Deut 31:11-13 Moses commanded the priests to read this law every seven years when all the people were gathered together at the feast of tabernacles.  He was referring to the exact words that were given to him by the Lord which...

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Take Heed What You Hear, Mk 4:23-25

Jesus said, “Take heed what ye hear”, Mk 4:24.  What you listen to will affect you and your relationship to the Lord.  Things you hear will either strengthen your faith in God’s words or cause doubt.   What you hear can strengthen your faith. When you listen to the words...

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Preserved Words of God, Ps 12:6-7

God’s Preserved Words In Ps 12:6-7, David wrote that the Lord would keep and preserve his words “from this generation for ever”.  This verse begs the question, “Do we have God’s preserved words in our possession today”?  I hope to answer this question today. Several times recently, people have asked...

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What God Committed to Us, 2 Cor 5:18-21

In the Bible, the word “commit” is used in two principle ways.  It either means to do or perpetrate something, like commit adultery, commit iniquity, commit sin, or it means to give in trust, to put into the hands or power of another.  This is the way it is first...

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Ministry of a Prophet, Ezek 3:4-14

The ministry of a prophet is unique.  He’s certainly not a pastor.  He’s not trying to shepherd a flock of people and establish a local ministry where he is sent. He preaches God’s words and often what he has to say is very negative.  In Ezek 3:4-14, we see some...

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The Perfecting of the Saints, Eph 4:11-16

In Eph 4:11-16, pastors and teachers are given to the church for the perfecting of the saints.  Saints are perfected for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ.  In verse 16, “every part maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of ITSELF...

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The Power of the Tongue, Prov 18:20-21

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON The tongue is a very powerful member of your body.  In Jas 3:4-5, as ships are turned with a very small helm, so the tongue is a little member and boasteth great things. Fruit is in the power of the...

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