No Errors in God’s Words Lev 11:20-23

Lev 11 20-23 No Errors in God’s Word CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The supposed contradictions in the Bible are reconciled by believing the Bible and by understanding that the information in the Bible is supplemental, not contradictory.  You must realize that men who purport to have found contradictions in the Bible...

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Plumbline Amos 7:7-8

Plumbline Amos 7: 7- 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord shows Amos a plumbline. The context is the Lord speaking of future judgement of Israel. Amos was just a “herdsman”, a regular guy. The Lord uses regular guys, his disciples for example, to get things done. He also uses common...

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Good Success Joshua 1:8-9

Good Success Joshua 1:8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you want your way to be prosperous and have good success by God’s measure, then there are certain things that you must do. They relate to the words of God.  This book of the law must guide: Your words – Jos 1:8 –...

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When Trouble Comes Ps. 146:1-10

When Trouble Comes Ps. 146:1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In your life, you are going to face trouble and problems.  Things are going to be tough from time to time.  You might be oppressed, hungry, imprisoned, blind, bowed down, orphaned, widowed or alone [stranger].  What are you to do when you...

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The Word of Samuel

1 Sam 4:1 The Word of Samuel CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We’re studying the first sentence of 1 Sam 4.  This little understated sentence in 1 Sam 4:1 is one of the most profound statements ever made about a man.  The Bible says, “And the word of Samuel came to all...

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Your Measure of Faith

Your Measure of Faith Romans 12:3 God hath dealt to every man the measure of Faith. God has given you enough faith to live the Christian life in a way that it is pleasing to Him and profitable to you, but it is only a “starter kit”. In Luke [17:5-6]...

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Some Facts about Truth John 18:33-38

Some Facts About Truth John 18:33-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO                 In this passage Pilate has a problem. Jesus has been brought before him for judgment, yet he says “What is truth?” As Bible believers we know that Jesus Christ is the truth [John 14:6] and that God’s words are also [John 17:17]. Pilate...

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Put Your Whole Heart Into It Mark 12:33

Put Your Whole Heart Into It Mark 12:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I was listening to a sermon preached by Ted Mullins, veteran missionary to Papua New Guinea.  He was preaching about listening to the voice of God as he leads you.  He said, “The voice of God is not audible...

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Delight Thyself in the Lord Ps. 37:4

Delight thyself also in the Lord Ps. 37:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ps 37:4 says, Delight thyself also in the Lord.  By simply checking the references to the word “delight” in the Bible, we are able to find an interesting comparison between the Lord and the godly and a revealing contrast...

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