Continue With Zeal After Affliction, Ps 107

Affliction often draws you close to God as you see in Ps 107.  There’s a zeal for God in the trial, or the trouble, or the distress, or the affliction.  We are to continue with zeal after affliction passes. But as we can see with Israel, they repeatedly went back...

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Baby Steps, Acts 3:1-10

Baby Steps Acts 3:1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The scene is afternoon prayer outside the Temple in Jerusalem.  Laying there at the Beautiful gate is a lame man.  He’s been lame from his mother’s womb.  He reminds me of a lost man [lost because of his natural birth] hanging around church....

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Serve As Unto Christ, Eph 6:5-9

According to our text in Eph 6:5-9, servants should serve their masters as if they were serving the Lord, himself.  And masters should treat their servants with the same respect as Christ treats us.  Everything we do in our service to men should be done “as unto Christ.”  When you...

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So Great Salvation Heb 2:3

So Great Salvation Heb. 2:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO So great is our salvation because: So great is our Savior – Titus 2:13 – consider how great Jesus Christ is.  He created the universe.  He has all power.  So great is his humility that he wiling forsook all of his riches...

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Why They Labored Rom. 16

Why They Labored Rom.16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 16 we see the many things that the saints did to labor in the ministry.  They labored unselfishly.  Why did they do things like start a church in their home, lay down their lives, suffer imprisonment, and labor abundantly?  Because of:...

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