Galatians 3:15-22 The Covenant With Abraham CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
- The Covenants
- Man’s covenant
- God with Abraham
- Confirmation of the Covenant
- Confirmed
- “Back it up” – appears
- “Bear it out” – born
- Isaac, Ishmael, Gen 25 with Rebekah
- Promises made, Gen 13:14-17
- Righteousness, spiritual and physical
- Land, Gen. 15:18
- Gen. 15:4-7
- Rom 10:4
- Lk 16:16
- Acts 7:53
- Everlasting covenant, Gen 17:8,19
- Lord appeared, 17:1
- Lord went up, 17:22
- Therefore, no man annuleth or addeth
- The Promise of the Covenant
- Abraham and seed (v. 16)
- Seed and land
- Seed, righteousness, and land
- The Seed of the Covenant
- Seed = Christ
- Had to be Jesus because Isaac didn’t live forever; needed Life
- Covent confirmed before of God in Christ (v. 17)
- His appearance, Gen 17
- His birth, Matt 1:1
- The Law
- The law 430 and later
- Cannot annul
- Promise no effect
- Ex 12:40-41
- The Inheritance (v. 18)
- If inheritance is of law, then no more of promise
- God to Abraham by promise
- The End of Law (v. 19)
- So why law? Added because of transgressions
- Rom 4:15– make peculiar people, Ex 19:5
- Till seed come (promise)
- The Ordination of the Law
- Ordained (ordain = proclaim, lay down, command, establish) by Angels