The Doctrine of Repentance

The Doctrine of Repentance



[Matt.4:17] Jesus preached “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”

[Matt.3:1-2] John the Baptist preached the same

[Mk.6:7-12] The Apostles preached that men should repent

[Acts 2:38] Peter preached it

[Acts 17:30] Paul said the God commanded it

[2 Pet.3:9] It is still God’s will

Salvation requires repentance [Acts 20:20-21]

The Lord is still calling sinners to repentance today.


God’s word puts much emphasis on repentance, yet it is still a very misunderstood doctrine


Repentance is best defined by its three parts:

It is a change in MIND, that results in a change in HEART, that results in a change in DIRECTION.

[Gen.6:6-7] First mention, God repented!

True repentance is the complete package.


Change in MIND (Involves the Intellect)

[Matt.21:28-32] The son changed his MIND about his unwillingness to work in the vineyard.

[Acts 2:14-40] Peter called upon the Jews to repent or change their MINDs concerning Christ.


Change in HEART (Involves the Emotions)

[2Cor.7:7-11] real repentance will bring about an emotional response

Just how much emotion is necessary? [Ps.38:18] [Lk.18:13-14] [Matt.26:75] [Heb.12:15-17] A shower of tears found no repentance


Change in DIRECTION (Involves the Will or Actions)

[Lk.15:18-20] to repent is to turn

[Lk.15:21] the prodigal confessed his sin and forsook it [Isa.55:7] [Prov.28:13]

And turned from his sin [1Thes.1:9] [Acts26:18]

Real repentance will cause a sinner to take Action


How is Repentance Produced?

Preaching of the Gospel [Rom.1:16-17] [1Thes.1:5-10]

Blessings of God [Rom.2:4]

Chastisement of God [Heb.12:6,10-11]

Reproof of another Christian [2Tim.2:24-25] [Gal.6:1]


Results of Repentance

[Lk.15:7,10] Joy in Heaven

[Acts 3:19] [Isa 1:18] Pardon and Forgiveness