The Household of God, Eph 2:11-22

According to Eph 2:11-22, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, he made a way for Jews and Gentiles to become fellow citizens in the household of God.

How could Christ make Jews and Gentiles fellow citizens in the household of God?  

We become fellow citizens in the household of God

By the blood of Christ

Eph 2:11-13 – in these verses, Paul addressed the saved Gentiles in Ephesus to explain how they went from being Gentiles without Christ to being “made nigh.”

In time past, these saved Gentiles were called the Uncircumcision and Jews were called the Circumcision, Eph 2:11.  Now we are “blood relatives”.

Thus, in Eph 2:12, Gentiles were without Christ because Jesus said, during his earthly ministry, “I am not sent but for the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” [Matt 15:24].  He told the woman at the well, “salvation is of the Jews,” [Jn 4:22].  Therefore, before they were saved, Gentiles were:

  • Aliens from the commonwealth (nation) of Israel.  Israel excluded Gentiles unless they became Jews, as in Gen 17:12-13 and Esther 8:17.
  • Strangers from the covenants.  The covenants of promise are all between God and Israelites [Rom 9:4].
  • Without hope.  The hope is the resurrection of Israel [Ezek 37:1-14; Acts 23:6; 26:6-8].
  • Without God.  See 2 Sam 7:23.  Israel has God and the other nations have gods.

But when Gentiles are “in Christ Jesus,” we are made nigh by the blood of Christ, Eph 2:13.  We get in on something we couldn’t have had before because we were sometimes (formerly) far off.

By the cross of Calvary

Eph 2:14-17 – Jews and Gentiles are made one body by the cross.  One man died for us and when we are saved we become members of the body of that one man, Jesus, whether we are Jews or Gentiles [1 Cor 12:12; Gal 3:28].

Jesus is our peace, Eph 2:14.  We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ [Rom 5:1].  Therefore, we are both one; the middle wall of partition is broken down.  We are no longer a Jew or a Gentile.  We are the church of God [1 Cor 10:32].

Jesus abolished the enmity, Eph 2:15.  The law was contrary to all of us and against us (the enmity) [Col 2:14].  We were all enemies of God [Rom 5:10].  When Jesus died on the cross, he abolished (annulled, made void) the enmity [Rom 8:3-4].  Thus, Jesus makes of twain (Jews and Gentiles) one new man.

Jesus makes reconciliation, Eph 2:16.  See Col 1:20-22.  We are both reconciled to God and therefore we have peace whether we were far off or nigh, Eph 2:17.

Those Jews and Gentiles who had been enemies before, are now reconciled to God and, therefore, reconciled to each other by the cross of Calvary.

By the Spirit of God

Eph 2:18-22 – when we were saved, we were baptized by the Spirit into the one body of Christ [1 Cor 12:13-27].  Therefore, through the Spirit we all have access to the Father [Rom 8:15, Abba (Jews) Father (Gentiles)], Eph 2:18.

We are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens of the household of God, Eph 2:19.

The household of God

Has a foundation, Eph 2:20.  The foundation of the house is the apostles and prophets [Eph 3:5; Acts 8:1, 11:27] and Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone [1 Pet 2:6].

Is fitly framed together, Eph 2:21.  The Holy Spirit makes sure that each member is where he belongs [1 Cor 12:18].  The household groweth, as a living organism, and increases as more people [1 Pet 2:5, lively stones] are added to the building by the Spirit.

Is builded together as a habitation of God, Eph 2:22.  We are the temple of God [1 Cor 3:16], his holy temple [Eph 2:21].

Conclusion: Now that we are saved, we are in the family as God’s children, we are one new man in Christ, where there is neither Jew nor Gentile, and we are fellow citizens in the household of God.   We are literally the temple of God.

Our purpose today should be to tell others how they can be saved by the blood of Christ, reconciled to God by his cross, and joined together with us in the temple of God by his Holy Spirit.  The household of God is still being built and fitly framed together with the addition of each new soul saved by Jesus.