The Presence of the Lord, Jonah – David Haveman

The Presence of the Lord

Jonah tried in vain to run from the presence of the Lord, which no man can do, Ps 139.   What he discovered is that the presence of the Lord is revealed by:

God’s Commands – God’s presence in his commands is as close as you’ll get to him in this life.

Jonah’s Consequences – whether you disobey God or obey him, you will experience consequences that demonstrate God is interested in you being right with him.  He’s trying to get your attention when you are disobedient.

God’s Care – God cared enough for Jonah to rescue him from the storm and the belly of the whale.  Jonah had cried to God out of the depths of hell, and yet God was still there for him.

Conclusion: Everything between you and God would be fixed if you would just get right with God.