The Riches of His Grace Eph.1:7-12

   Ephesians 1:7-12 The Riches of His Grace CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

God’s grace is rich because Christ gave us all He has and He has everything, II Cor 8:9.  We become rich through His poverty.  So His grace covers everything – our salvation, our needs, our infirmities, our sorrows – everything.  Here, Paul is very specific about some of the riches of his grace:

The riches of his:

  1. Redemption (v. 7)
    1. Gal 3:13
    2. Titus 2:14
  2. Blood (v. 7)
    1. Acts20:28
    2. Heb 9:14
    3. Removed in Col 1:14, Modern bibles
  3. Forgiveness (v. 7)
    1. At salvation, Col 2:13
    2. At fellowship, I Jn 1:7-9
  4. Wisdom (v.8)
    1. Prov 4:7/ Jas 1:5
    2. Prov 3:13-15, richer than
  5. Prudence (v.8)
    1. Prov 22:3
    2. “Wisdom shown in the exercise of reason, forethought, and self-control”
    3. A prudent man forseeth the evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished
  6. Will (v. 9)
    1. Rom 12:1-2
    2. A mystery made known
    3. Rev 10:7
    4. Good pleasure,Rev 4:11
    5. Gather together in one all things (v. 10), Eph1:20-23
  7. Inheritance (v. 11)
    1. Rom 8:17
    2. Crowns, Pounds, Cities
  8. Glory (v. 12)
    1. Phil 3:21, glorious body
    2. Glory to God
    3. Men get peace, Lk 2:14
    4. Salvation and protection from bad sin, Rom 1:21