The Second Time, Jonah 3 – David Haveman

The Second Time

Jonah refused to go to Nineveh the first time the Lord commanded him to go there.  Then, after the whale vomited Jonah out, God told him the second time, “Arise, go unto Nineveh…”.  This is precisely what God told Jonah to do the first time, Jon 1:2.

When God commands you to do something and you refuse, then when you get right with God, he’s going to command you do it again.  He’s not going to change his command; he wants you to change.  You need to repent.  Jonah changed before Nineveh changed.  Jonah had to deal with his own disobedience before he could expect Nineveh to deal with theirs.

And so it is with us and witnessing to others.  Obey God and change in the area he’s commanding you.  When you change, you’ll be able to help others change.  And if you don’t change, God will bring you back around and expect you to get it right the second time.  When you do, he might even send you to your Nineveh.