The Trump of God Titus 2:13-15 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

The Trump of God Titus 2:13-15

The Trump of God Titus 2:13-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Looking for that blessed hope

Titus 2:13-15

Our blessed hope is our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to be looking for His return, which involves the trump of God. Do you wake each morning with this hope, and begin your day looking? This present world works as a great cloud or barrier to us. We often get consumed with the things a hand and fail to look. Today I want to look in the Bible and see just what we should see upon His coming. Some falsely teach that the church will go through part or all, of the Tribulation, if this were true, we should have been instructed to look for the Tribulation, but we are instructed to look for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

[Acts 1:9-11] Look up, He will return just as He left. [Jn.14:3] I will come again and receive you


[1Cor.15:51-52] The Rapture of the Church          What are we looking for?

  • “in the twinkling of an eye” that’s very fast
  • “at the last trump” (Four years from now we will know if Donald Trump is the one, lol), No, a trump is the sound that a trumpet makes
  • “for the trumpet shall sound”
  • This verse speaks of the last trump, and the trumpet, not to be confused with the last trumpet of [Rev.11:15] which we will look at later in the lesson.
  • Remember a basic rule when reading your Bible. “If something is different, it is not the same”

[1 Thes.4:13-18] The Rapture of the Church         What are we looking for?

  • “The Lord himself shall descend from heaven” Just like [Acts 1:11]
  • “with a shout”
    • The signal for the Rapture
    • [Rev.4:1] the voice of a trumpet saying “Come up hither”
    • [Rev.11:12] the Tribulation Rapture
    • You will hear “come up hither (insert your name here)
    • [John 11:25-26] Saved and dead- Resurrected; Saved and alive – Raptured
    • [John 10:3, 14, 27-30] we hear his voice and follow Him
  • “with the voice of the archangel” – God’ Voice
    • Voice of a trumpet [Rev.1:10]
    • [Ex.19:16-19] God’s voice
  • “and with the trump of God
    • Not [Rev.11:15] the seventh angel sounded…
    • Not [Rev.8:6] seven angels prepared to sound seven trumpets (during the Tribulation)
    • Confusion because of angels blowing trumpets and [Rev.11:2] Rapture of Tribulation saints, also [Matt.24:29-31]
    • We are looking for the last trump, or trump of God, [Zec.9:14] the Lord blows this trumpet, not an angel!


What will the Lost hear?               Thunder!

  • [Job 37:1-5] thundereth with his voice
  • [John 12:27-29] it thundered
  • [Acts 22:9] saw the light but heard not the voice



In Conclusion:

[Titus 2:15] These things:

  • Speak
    • Tell others about your blessed hope
  • Exhort
    • Encourage yourself and others about the return of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Rebuke with authority
    • Know enough Bible truth to instruct or correct others about the order of things to come.