The Uttermost Ps.2:1-8 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

The Uttermost Ps.2:1-8

The Uttermost Ps. 2:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

God the Father promised his Son, Jesus, “the heathen for (his) inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for (his) possession,” [Ps 2:8].  This passage is doctrinally fulfilled in the millennial reign of Jesus.  However, there is a practical application of this verse, based on the cross references to the word uttermost, which cannot be ignored.  Notice the following:

Jesus will soon possess the uttermost parts of the earth – Ps 2:8 – his throne will be the throne of David and he will rule from Jerusalem [Is 9:6-7].  Nevertheless, of his kingdom there shall be no end.  He will possess the entire world and will rule over every part of it [Rev 5:13].  Every continent and every island will be his.  Every nation will be under his command [Rev 19:15].  There is no place that he will not rule.  Ps 2:8 also says, “I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance.”  So, people inhabiting the uttermost parts of the earth will be his.  There are 193 nations and by the time the church is raptured, there are people of “every kindred, and tongue, and people and nation,” [Rev 5:9] who will have been saved.  In other words, the Lord doesn’t wait until his return to start inheriting the heathen.

Jesus is able to save people to the uttermost now – Heb 7:25 – though Ps 2:8 is fulfilled in the millennial reign of Jesus, right now, Jesus is making intercession for the heathen who inhabit the uttermost parts of the earth.  Jesus will save “them to the uttermost that come unto God by him.”  In other words, the heathen are not waiting for Jesus to rule in order to come to God and be the inheritance of Jesus.  They, as we, can be the Lord’s inheritance now by becoming God’s sons.  And amazingly, Jesus is praying for them now and has been praying for them ever since he ascended into heaven.  Not only did he die for them, but he prays for them.  He wants them saved.

The Holy Spirit gives us power to witness to the uttermost – Acts 1:8 – when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, he gave them power to witness in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.  By the time Paul was saved, they hadn’t spread out very far in their preaching of the gospel.  But after Paul was saved, the gospel began to reach out further and further through his missionary journeys and the preaching of others, like Peter, who had gone to Babylon.  Paul said about the preaching of the gospel, “Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world,” [Rom 10:18].

Conclusion: Jesus died to pay for the sins of the heathen so that he could inherit them.  Jesus intercedes for the heathen so that the will come to God by believing in him.  The Holy Spirit gives power to men to witness to the heathen so that they will know how to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.  Look, the Lord Jesus made the payment, the Lord Jesus continues to pray and the Holy Spirit continues to give the power.  All that remains is for the Lord’s people to publish and proclaim the gospel so that the heathen can hear and be saved.  What are you doing to publish and proclaim the gospel so that the heathen can be saved to the uttermost?