The Word of God as Our Testimony

The Word of God as our Testimony 

In this sermon we are going to look at the word of God as our testimony. As saved people we have been given the living words of the living God, the question is what are we doing with those words. The words of God is our greatest weapon, defense, guide and anything else we could need but are we being faith with their testimony?

The word “testimony” in the Bible:

  • Exodus 16:33-34 (1st use of the word) Here it is a reference to the tables of stone (Exodus 31:18)
  • Exodus 25:16-22 (Testimony was put into the Ark) Mercy seat was placed on the ark with God dwelling between the cherubim. This is a picture of our salvation, based on the word of God but we must go through the mercy seat to dwell with God.
  • Exodus 25:22 (Ark of the Testimony)
  • Deuteronomy 31:26 (Book of the law placed inside the ark as a witness)

The word of God connected with our testimony:

Jesus Christ is the “Word”. We have received Jesus Christ in our body, which is a tabernacle, therefore we bear the word as a testimony.

  • John 1:1, 14 (Jesus was the word)
  • John 2:18-21 (Jesus referred to his body as a temple)
  • 2 Corinthians 5:1 ; 1 Peter 1:13,14 (Our bodies are referred to as a tabernacle)
  • 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 (As a result of salvation we are the temple of the Holy Ghost)

Through salvation in the shed blood of Jesus Christ we are given a testimony, the living word of God (Jesus Christ) abides within in us and we are the children of God. Note the type in the Old Testament when Joash was crowned king (2 Kings 11:12) that he was given the testimony.

When we are saved today we become children of the king and in type we are given the testimony, the word of God.

What must we do with the word of God? (Joshua 3-4)

Here we will look at the crossing of Jordan by the children of Israel to glean some key things that we must do concerning the testimony of the word of God.

1)  We must go after it (Joshua 3:3-4) – let it be our guide (Numbers 10:33)

2)  We must use it (Joshua 3:8-17 ; 4:7,16) – must be applied (1 Thess. 2:13) {Note “testimony”

3)  We must hold fast to it (Joshua 4:16-18) – {Note two memorials Ps. 132:12}