This Treasure in Earthen Vessels, 2 Cor 4:6-11

This Treasure in Earthen Vessels

When we received Jesus Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ, and God the Father all took up residence inside of us.  We have this treasure in earthen vessels, 2 Cor 4:7.

God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, 2 Cor 4:6.  The reason is to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

The light of God shines in our hearts.  But this treasure in earthen vessels, that is in our mortal flesh, 2 Cor 4:11, must come out to be seen.  Otherwise, the light will be hidden in us and Christ won’t be manifest in our body, 2 Cor 4:10.

For Paul, it took trouble, persecution, casting down, and bearing about the dying of Jesus, for the life of Jesus to be manifest in him, 2 Cor 4:8-10.  And it was manifest.  The vessel had to be broken for the light inside to be revealed.

Gideon’s army was outnumbered 300 to 135,000.  There was no probable way that he and those few men were going to defeat such a massive army.  The 300 men surrounded the enemy holding trumpets and pitchers with lamps inside.  In Jud 7:20, the pitchers had to be broken for the lamps to shine.  And when they began to shine, the Midianites scattered in fear, killing each other in their confusion.

Before Christ’s crucifixion, Mary anointed his body for the burial.  In Mk 14:3, Mary broke the alabaster box, Jn 12:3, and the odor of the ointment inside filled the house.  The vessel had to be broken for the odor to fill the house.

In 1 Pet 3:1-7 Peter gives wives instructions on how to win an errant husband.  A woman has to not overly adorn her flesh so the hidden man of her heart can be seen.  We are the bride, Jesus is the husband.  Is it possible that when we preach Christ, 2 Cor 4:5, the lost would see the hidden man of our hearts when they behold our chaste conversation?

The less of you they see, the more of Jesus they can see.  Let the light of Jesus shine through you by bearing about in your body the dying of Jesus.  Let this treasure in earthen vessels be seen for the glory of God and the salvation of the lost.