We still have Wednesday night prayer meetings. Many churches have cancelled the mid-week service. This trend has weakened the churches spiritually. They have grown in numbers at the cost of declining in spiritual power. The old saying is, “The family that prays together, stays together.” The same is true of churches. On Wednesday nights, we sing and preach and pray for each others’ needs and for the requests of our missionaries.
At our Wednesday night prayer meetings, after we sing, read some updates from our missionaries and preach, we take prayer requests from those who are in attendance and from those who have called or emailed us so that we can pray for each other. Of course, you are welcome and encouraged to attend if you can. Praying with others after singing together and hearing the word of God preached is an excellent comfort for your soul.
We break up into small groups of about 4 or 5 people and take turns each praying over some of the requests until we have covered them all. We also divide up cards containing the specific prayer requests from our missionaries so that all of their requests are covered every Wednesday night. This way we know that the prayer requests in their prayer letters are being handled at least once a week and folks in the church can be reminded to pray for them throughout the rest of the week.
Come join us for prayer meeting!