What to Pray For, Col 1:9-12 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

What to Pray For, Col 1:9-12

Colossians 1:9-12 A Thing to Pray For CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

When Paul heard of the salvation and faith of the Colossians, he began to pray for them and remained faithful in his prayers continually.  What he prayed for them are things that we can pray for each other.  Here’s what to pray for:

  1. That we would know God’s will (v. 9)
    1. The sooner you can know and begin to do his will the better
    2. Rom 12:1-2, never without sacrifice
    3. Good– there are many good things you can do that may not be acceptable or perfect – Acceptable passes at Judgment Seat of Christ – Perfect is the best that you can do
  2. Be filled with wisdom(v. 9)
    1. Vital to all of Christian life
    2. Not world wisdom, I Cor 3:19-20
    3. Requires fear of the Lord, Ps 111:10
    4. Better than rubies, Prov8:10-11
    5. Comes from Book, Prov 8:8-9
  3. Gain spiritual understanding(v. 9)
    1. Job 28:28
    2. Job 32:8
    3. Ps 119:130
    4. II  Tim 3:16-17
  4. Please the Lord(v. 10)
    1. Jesus
    2. Rom 8:8, not in flesh
    3. Heb 11:6, faith
    4. Not  ourselves, Rom 15:1
  5. Be fruitful(v. 10)
    1. Fruit shame
    2. Rom  6:21-22, fruit holiness
    3. Matt  13:23
  6. Get to know God better (v. 10)
    1. Comes with trials and suffering
    2. Phil 3:10
    3. Some of the benefits, II Pet 1:2-3 – Grace; Peace; Life; Godliness; Glory; Virtue
  7. Grow stronger in God’s power and might (v. 11)
    1. Eph  6:10,
    2. Zech 4:6, spirit
  8. Become more patient, longsuffering, and joyful – Patient, Rom 5:3 Jas 1:3; Longsuffering, I Cor 13:4; Joyful, even in affliction, II Cor 8:1
  9. Be thankful (v. 12) – I Thes 5:18 – which is point 1, the Will of God