When the wise men came to Jesus as a young child, they worshipped him and “presented unto him gifts,” [Matt 2:11]. The gifts they gave him were particularly appropriate for a king (gold), a priest (frankincense), and a prophet (myrrh), of which Jesus was uniquely all three. Generally, these office in the Old Testament were separate. But Jesus is the King of the Jews [Matt 2:2]. He is the High Priest after the order of Melchisedec [Heb 7:17-27]. He is the promised Prophet of Deut 18:15-19.
At this time of year, when we recognize the birth of Jesus Christ, it is typical to exchange gifts with family and friends. Well, Jesus freely gave you himself and eternal life [Jn 3:16; Rom 6:23]. What will you give to Jesus?
You should give him your praise – Ps 69:30-31; Heb 13:15 – these are spiritual sacrifices that you can give him that are far better than oxen and bullocks. These are gifts with which you are certain he will be pleased. People stress over getting just the right gifts for their friends. You don’t have to stress over this with Jesus. He has already written to us and assured us that he will be well pleased with our praise.
You should give him your purse – Heb 13:16; Prov 19:17 – when you help out a brother or sister that is in need, the Lord is well pleased. The Lord helps others when you do good and communicate by giving [Lk 6:38]. He also repays you when these are things that you do for the Lord [Prov 19:17].
You should give him your person – Rom 12:1 – we are to present our bodies living sacrifices to the Lord. Jesus presented his body as a sacrifice for us. He bore our sins in his own body on the tree [1 Pet 2:24]. Likewise, since we are bought with a price [1 Cor 6:19-20], we should give the Lord our person, who we are, to use as he desires. We should dress the way he wants us to dress, speak the way he wants us to speak, go where he wants us to go, do what he wants us to do, be whom he wants us to be, and so forth. What a precious gift we are to him when we give him ourselves.
Conclusion: the wise men brought Jesus three gifts and we can likewise give him these three gifts with the assurance that they are just the right ones for him.