Work Salvation Out, Phil 2:12-13

Philippians 2:12-13 Work it Out CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 

After you get saved, you need to work salvation out. You’ll please Him, Jn 8:29. You’ll do His will, Matt 26:39.     You’ll accomplish His purpose, Rom 8:28.  

God works salvation in you

  1. Heb 9:14, I Cor 6:9-11
  2. Rom 8:29, conforms you to his image
  3. Jn 14:16-17, comforts you
  4. Jn 15, produces fruit in you
  5. I Thes 5:24, calls you
  6. I Cor 12:13, baptizes you
  7. Phil 4:19, supplies you
  8. If God is not in these, no amount of working will help
  9. If He is, then work it out

You work salvation out

  1. Rom 12:1-2, present your life a living sacrifice
  2. I Thes 5:17, pray
  3. II Tim 2:15, study, II Tim 3:16-17
  4. Prov 11:30, win souls
  5. Rom 8:13, mortify the flesh
  6. Eph 6:10-18, fight your spiritual battles
  7. II Tim 4:7, finish your course, Heb 12:1-4